Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Moving on

Yup, that's it. I've decide to move on to wordpress. So, find me at http://atomicsunday.wordpress.com/. Thanks to all my friends who supported me while I was at Blogger. Don't worry, this account isn't going anywhere.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Wordpress: What About It?

I just read Rex's blog; said he moved to Wordpress. Out of curiosity, I went over and checked the website. I only have one word: wow. I'm honestly impressed about it. The webpage author managed to keep things looking dandy, clean, uncluttered, as well as a host of feature I didn't bother checking on Blogger(I don't have the time to just go around checking web pages one by one,ditto?). Maybe I'll move to Wordpress, just the same way I moved to Facebook from Friendster. Just maybe.


So, people leave some things behind. No biggie. All you gotta do is move on, right? I'm finding it quite hard to do after a series of events today...

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Simply terrible. Can't put a full picture in....gotta fix it ASAP.

I got this from my dad...

I was snooping around my dad's e-mail account(sorry dad!) when I spotted this particular e-mail. It's from one of my dad's colleague. Profoundly, it stirred me to do something, yet I'm still not sure what to do...hopefully you can think of something.

We need to show this to our kids to understand how other kids are living ……………. AND APPRECIATE THE BLESSINGS WE HAVE EACH SECOND BY THANKING GOD !

Jainal works in silver cooking pot factory. He is 11 years old. He has been working in this factory for three years. His work starts at 9 a.m. and ends at 6 p.m. For his work he gets 700 taka (10 USD) for a month. His parents are so poor that they can not afford to send him to school.According to the factory owner, the parents do not care for their children; they send their kids to work for money and allegedly don't feel sorry for these small kids. Dhaka 2008

A young laborer making metal components at a factory. Dhaka.Bangladesh

13-year-oldLiyakot Ali works in a silver cooking pot factory in Old Dhaka. The children work 10 hour days in hazardous conditions, for a weekly wage of 200 taka (3 USD). Dhaka . Bangladesh . June 2008

A child on the side of the road attempts to sell roses to passing commuters in cars and buses. Dhaka .

7-year-oldJasmine collects rubbish from a steaming rubbish heap on a cold winter morning. She earns money to support her family by scavenging for itemson the Kajla rubbish dump. It is one of three landfill sites in a city of 12 million people. Around 5,000 tons of garbage are dumped here each day and more than 1,000 people work among the rubbish, sorting through the waste and collecting items to sell to retailers for recycling.

Children at a brick factory in Fatullah. For each 1,000 bricks they carry, they earn the equivalent of 0.9 USD.

A young girl working in a brick crushing factory in Dhaka .

Children at a brick factory in Fatullah. For each 1,000 bricks they carry, they earn the equivalent of 0.9 USD.
Hands of 8-year-old Munna while working in a rickshaw parts making factory.He works 10 hours a day and gets 8 USD for a month. Dhaka 2007.

Ten-year-old Shaifur working in a door lock factory in Old Dhaka. Unlike his colleague, Shaifur works without a mask.

Eight-year-old Munna works in a rickshaw factory. He earns about 500 taka (7 USD) a month, working 10 hours a day. When the production often stops due to lack of electricity, he has time to play. Dhaka 2007

Childrenare compelled to work for long working hours with inadequate or no rest period. Moreover, they are paid with minimum wages and enjoy no job security. Many people prefer to employ young boys to maximize services for those minimum wages. Dhaka 2006.

Thirteen-year- oldIslam works in a silver cooking pot factory. He has been working at the factory for the last two years, in hazardous conditions, where it is common practice for the factory owners to take on children as unpaid apprentices, only providing them with two meals a day.

17.5percent of children in the aged 5?5 are engaged in economic activities. Many of these children are engaged in various hazardousoccupation s in manufacturing factories. Dhaka 2006.

Eight-year-old Razu works in a rickshaw factory. He earns about 500 taka (7 USD) a month, working 10 hours a day. When the production often stops due to lack of electricity, he has time to play.

'Nuff Said

I woke up freaking early at 5 this morning. My head just won't stop hurting me. Took some Panadol and went to sleep. Woke up again at 11 am. Took a shower. Now blogging. Head still hurts. Body aching. Eyes feel so dry. Ouch.

Friday, June 26, 2009


I read abt the death of MJ from my phone in the wee hour of the morning(abt 9 am? 3G is so useful). I was surprised. He's just abt to make a comeback to the one industry he knew his whole life. He's not the only celeb star to fade away today; Farah Fawcett passed away today too. We do not dictate wether a person lives or die evryday, only God has that. So, a toast to Michael Jackson, whom I guess is currently thrilling God's ears with his funky music(so where does that leaves FF to do? Hmm....)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

So Like, Get It Over With Already!!!!

Yah, dat's how frustrating it was 4 me yesterday. I went to church , then after breakfast, I had to go get my form signed. I have to go all the way to the Resident Office(damn government, gives me the creeps just thinking how they keep all the Malaysians in check). It was fine until the dude told me to show my dad's paycheck...not the original one lah of course it's just the copy. Embarrasingly I had to admit that I DON'T HAVE IT, BUT I HAVE THE BORANG J. Borang J? Wth is Borang J? I mean, like y must all workplaces hv different ways of giving a person's salary? Like cmon u stupid gov, do a favour to all those who needs a paper signed, which needs a freaking document called PENYATA GAJI, and mainstream all workplaces to give a persons salary by one method only; a PAYCHECK!!!!! Then he said ok, borang J is ok oso thank God, coz if he said it's not acceptable, I'm gonna tear my loan papers and waste an hour mopping up coz I wasted THREE FREAKING DAYS TO GET ALL THE DOCUMENTS READY!!! He scrutinized the paper and document b4 announcing what I had not come over to listen at all; DOKUMEN INI LENGKAP, TAPI MANA PENYATA GAJI? Argh so stressful I feel like blowing the whole office up. Thank God I have patience and I tried(futile attempt lol) to explain to him. Then he said dat dis dokumens are ok, but I need the penyata gaji to confirm the salary. Borang J can give an overview of your parents' salary, but it's more towards income tax(get this: INCOME TAX!!!!!) and as such, not suitable to replace the stupid ass**** paper called a PENYATA GAJI. After that, my mum scolded me, we had a row over the paper. Technically, it's her fault to supply me with the wrong document. From now on, while I try to complete the paperwork(AGAIN!!! AGAIN GODDAMNIT!!!!!!ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!), I'm gonna have to get all the documents at hand. Given a choice between Borang J and paycheck, I'm gonna ditch Borang J into the trash can, and nag for a paycheck!!!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Rainy Day

All it took
Was a moments breath
I hear you fall
And I hold my breath
For fear it might end
Yet breath I must
For sustenance it gives
While this little heart
Prays hard for it
For the moment
When the tinkering never stops
On this rainy day
As I write in the dark
Lit by only the vaguest of lights.


I PASSED!!! Whew! Never thought it's an old dude testing me(lol). But, he's the one who determines whether I pass or fail. Thank you, Mr. Voon for giving me a pass!!! Yahoo!!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Nothing much to say

Morning:Church, Brekpast, Sunday Skool
Afternoon:Sleep, Meeting
Evening:Makan2 at A+ cafe, play bsk8bol
Night:Blog, reading, FBing, Tido :p
Tomorrow: JPJ TEST!!!! Freaking out mode!!!!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Like, WTF??

I tried following some of my friends blogs'. Those from Blogger, I can access. But for Thomas however, I can't. So, I was like...WTF?

My Bloody Sick Week

  1. My left foot's been giving me pain since Friday.
  2. My nose have been pulling the strings since I woke up this morning.
  3. My phone needs a software(or is it hardware? Hmm...) medic after a fall on Monday.
  4. My middle finger on the left hand got a nasty burn after my attempt at making lunch today.
  5. My eye is red from all the pain from my nose.
  6. My head's feeling like the world is spinning after I tried to hold my sneeze about half an hour ago.
  7. My throat feels dry from my cough since last week.
  8. My computer needs a technician badly since Wednesday.
  9. My right hand feels like breaking after a basketball mishap two days ago.
  10. Conclusion: This week is so NOT my week...


My Internet finally got up and running!! Thank God it does, because after a full 24 hours without connection, I started feeling queasy, but not irritable thank God. I just finished my last road practice, and next week, JPJ test!!(Gasp!)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ouch!!! Make that a Double Ouch!!!!!

A phone call this morning from MARA office stated that I haven't completed my loan form(gasp!!!). That hurts, cuz knowing I spent nearly a whole week preparing all the paperwork for it for submission, only to find out it's not complete, kinda makes me wanna just dump the whole stupid stuff down the bin. What's worse, I hurt myself slipping on the floor while mopping. It's much worse, cuz I injured my left foot, and I can't walk properly just because IT HURTS!!!! It's still bleeding, for goodness sake...

Just so.......black??!


That's the link to the vid I say.
Soo sad, yet so-not-true!!
Sick bastards, doing this vid.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Is My English Strange?

That's the title of a blog written by a Japanese in English. Here's his link:

Follow up and encourage him!!

I hate this!!!!

I was just logged on this computer(my dad's), when I decided to play DotA to pass the time. My mum spotted me and told me to stop playing and use the comp to read instead. I tried reasoning to her, telling her I did not play anything on any PC since yesterday, so like"gimme a break!" She said, "No, no. Stop playing and start reading". Pretty contradictory cuz whenever I used the PC to read news or buzzes on the 'Net, she told me to "Stop using the computer because u're just playing games!" I mean like WTH, I'm reading peacefully and she had to stop me!! I'm not playing any games and that's what I get whenever I get my hands on the computer. All she cares is that if I'm sitting in front of the PC monitor, it's enough to qualifyas I'm playing games, so no need to check on me and just tell me to stop.

Another something....

Alexander just got their Kung-Fu Move Name!
I just got my Kung-Fu Move name. It is fang of the wolf spirit!

Yup, got that from Facebook.

Having the jeebies

I'm like so in the I-Don't-Know-What-To-Do mode, cuz I've been confirmed to sit for my JPJ test next Monday!!! When I got this news, I'm like soooooo OMGWTFBBQzombiepizzacopter ~.~ It took me totally by surprise!!!! I hope I don't mess up in front of "The Man"

Absurdity of a school on enforcing law

I read this on Yahoo! News this morning and, God pray tell me, I was shocked. The link is provided here: http://buzz.yahoo.com/buzzlog/92681?fp=1.

Goodness knows what will they do next, IF a public affection is denied. Mayhaps a riot on graduation day will find its way on the block.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I finally made my dad's pc work my way!!! Maybe I shud consider work as system admin....who knows?

Giving a thought

Okay, I'm STUCK with my dad's computer and as u can see, it lags. Not just that, it turns the whole time system AROUND!! Proof? My two previous posts gives such improper times to them. Grr. Screw this computer. I can't use my other pc cuz my TWIN is using it for his school assignment. Me? I ain't schooling no more, I'm just waiting for my trip to the big U(take a guess 하하하하하!!)

Stupidz lolz

DAMN time on my dad's PC went haywire!! Grrr. Stupid 2003 Acer model. All my post went out of sync (T.T). Test posting now to check if it's ok now....hopefully.

Something from Facebook. Hahahahahahahaha! :)

Alexander took the What's your geek level? quiz and the result is Tech Support

You're almost there, but not quite. Its all about the gadgets, the gizmos and developing your own website in your spare time.


Found this on the Net. Had me THINKING about its meaning. Take a guess, why don't you?

By her who in January was born
No gem save garnets shall be worn
They will ensure her constancy
True friendship and fidelity.

The February born shall find
Sincerity and peace of mind,
Freedom from passion and from care,
If they, the amethyst will wear.

By her who in March was born
No gem save bloodstone shall be worn
They will ensure her constancy
True friendship and fidelity.

She who from April dates her years,
diamonds shall wear,
lest bitter tears
For vain repentance flow.

Who first beholds the light of day
In spring's sweet, flower month of May
And wears an emerald all her life
Shall be a loved and a loving wife.

By her who in June was born
No gem save pearls shall be worn
They will ensure her constancy
True friendship and fidelity.

The gleaming ruby should adorn,
All those who in July are born,
For thus they'll be exempt and free,
From lover's doubts and anxiety.

Wear a peridot or for thee,
No conjugal fidelity,
The August born without this stone,
`Tis said, must live unloved; alone.

A maiden born when autumn leaves
Are rustling in September's breeze,
A sapphire on her brow should bind;
To bring her joy and peace of mind.

October's child is born for woe,
And life's vicissitudes must know,
But lay an opal on her breast,
And hope will lull those woes to rest.

Who first comes to this world below
In dreary November's fog and snow,
Should prize the topaz amber hue,
Emblem of friends and lovers true.

If cold December gave you birth
The month of snow and ice and mirth
Place on your hand a turquoise blue;
Success will bless whate'er you do.

Gregorian Birthstone Poems

My first blog......

No, seriously. It's my first one(drumroll and clouds open to shine on me, music of angels and churchbells ringing). Had bugs EVRYWHERE around me(take a guess lol). Not-too-pleasant atmosphere to blog much. Considering next step now...